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Create a robotics & coding badge

Scouts and Brownies promote the exact environment that we are huge fans of: teamwork, camaraderie and skill development.  So, if we can help provide activities that enhance the offering of your clubs we are more than happy to bring our services to you.


Yellow Brick Lab are happy to consider any requirements you may have, whether part of the existing Scouts and/or Brownies programme, or even a one-off session to explore a particular need or as a taster-session.


Maybe you have some eager engineers in your Brownies club?


Or some savvy scientists within the Scouts?


Why not link it up with a way of earning your technology and coding badge?


The kits that we use are so cleverly designed that there are guided projects spanning lots of areas of science, computational thinking and the natural environment. For the environmentalists amongst us we could offer activities exploring flood prevention, sorting for recycling, or cleaning the oceans. For those engineering concepts that are too tricky to explain how's about we explore building robust structures, speed or the physics behind pulling objects. If the wider world is your focus then consider our extreme habitats and preditors and prey projects. And if your need is a bit more extraterrestrial then we could offer space exploration or moon bases. There's lots to see and discover.


Just get in touch and we’ll see what we can do.




Will vary dependent upon the event. All events will be advertised with prices clearly expressed upfront.  |   07716 504730

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© 2017 Yellow Brick Lab

LEGO®, LEGO® Education, LEGO® We Do 2.0, LEGO® MINDSTORMS®, LEGO® SPIKE™ Prime are trademarks of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, authorise or endorse this web site and the activities offered.

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